






会費:会員・学生 無料(非会員500円・予約不要)


第1部:研究発表(14:00-15:30)David Wright & Arata Fujimaki (Tokai University)

Title: Learning Analytics and Media English: Automating Oral Proficiency Rubric Input

Summary: The current presentation examines the development of database to track and analyze second language acquisition (SLA).  The concept initially drew on Pienemann’s Processability Theory, but has evolved into a way to present corrective feedback (CF) in real time.  The current direction is focused on visually presenting feedback (as a bar graph) on student output. The user interface and content of the database are still in a prototype form, on a iPad, using rubrics from my home institution. However, the end goal is to collect data on student production during task-based language teaching (TBLT) and other authentic lesson structures, using a variety of media including periodicals and video presentations.  The use of such media creates the opportunity to provide incidental learning (e.g. incidental focus on forms, metalinguistic feedback, and class grade information).   This will be done within each class, in real-time, as well as posted on a learner management system.   Schmidt’s construct of ‘noticing’is one of the theoretical underpinnings of this line of research. We hypothesize that the ability to provide learner specific feedback, within large groups, will better promote noticing. The presentation will examine the development of the database, recent research results and lessons learned, which will be applied to future iterations of the design.


David Wright has taught, as a Junior Associate Professor, in the Foreign Language Center at Tokai University, since 2013. Arata Fujimaki is an Associate Professor in the Foreign Language Center at Tokai University, since 1991. Both Mr. Wright and Mr. Fujimaki are responsible for instruction in English language courses in the Foreign Language Center for students of all majors.  Courses included standardized required curricula for integrated courses that focus on listening and speaking or reading and writing; elective courses on a variety of subject matter; and standardized test preparation courses, with an emphasis on the TOEIC test. Collaborative research has involved the tracking of oral proficiency using automated system (presented here), a content and language integrated learning project with a focus on science and medicine, and an aviation English study that examines English communication in the cockpit.


第2部 招待講演(15:30-17:00)

小西 卓三氏(昭和女子大学人間文化学部英語コミュニケーション学科准教授)

題目:活字メディアで奄美群島はどのように構築されてきたのか?: 奄美群島での終戦・復帰運動における概念分割を中心として








小西卓三(こにしたくぞう):昭和女子大学人間文化学部英語コミュニケーション学科准教授。1994年早稲田大学教育学部英語英文学科卒業。1999年ウェイン州立大学大学院コミュニケーション学科修士課程修了(MA in communication)。2000年ウィンザー大学大学院哲学科修士課程修了(MA in philosophy)。2014年ピッツバーグ大学大学院博士課程修了(Ph.D in communication)。主要研究テーマは議論(argumentation)における定義・概念分割の理論・実践的検討、オーラルヒストリーを用いた議論研究史、コミュニケーション学史。


 連絡先:藤牧 新(東海大学外国語教育センター、fujimakiarata@gmail.com