【日時】 2015年6月27日(土)15:00-17:00
【会場】 愛知淑徳大学星が丘キャンパス 53A 教室(5号館3階)
地下鉄東山線「星ヶ丘」駅 3番出口から一社方面へ徒歩3分
【参加費】 会員・非会員ともに無料
第1部 研究発表(15:00-16:00)
第2部 招待講演 (16:00-17:00)
David E. Toohey, Ph.D. (Nagoya University)
“Empathy in English Language Media: A Critical Juxtaposition of Factual Internet Media and Cinema”
“Empathy in English Language Media: A Critical Juxtaposition of Factual Internet Media and Cinema”
David E. Toohey, Ph.D. (Nagoya University)
This paper looks at how immigration is communicated in English in two forms of popular media: cinema and the Internet. In particular how does English language interact with different visual forms of communications? For example, the Internet is multifaceted, communicating through a variety of other medium (Shirky 2011). There are movies, graphs, etc. As a potential hot media (see McLuhan 1994) it links to an endless stream of facts. It is easy to find credible factual data. It is likewise possible to find movies on the Internet without difficulty. Yet, factual, empirical data is considered more credible than cinema. After all, it uses a discourse of acceptable images which it privileges over others, a graph or pie chart is more legitimate than shocking images. This will be juxtaposed with film that communicates about immigration in what some (Benjamin 1934; Deleuze 1989) characterize as shock that may create empathy (Bennet 2005) among viewers. peta dunia satelit The paper will critically assess how these two media differ and may at times complement each other in English academic writing.
石原知英(愛知大学)(Email: tishiha[a]vega.aichi-u.ac.jp)([a]を@に変えてください)